Paying your application fee is one of the most important steps in your application process. There are various methods you can use to pay your Unisa application fee, In this blog post, I will walk you through a simple and convenient method of paying your UNISA application fee using the Capitec app. Let's get started.
Using the Capitec app to pay your Unisa application fee is one of the easiest ways to finalise your application. This non-refundable fee must be paid before the closing date of applications. Below are easy steps to pay Unisa application fee using the Capitec app.
Easy steps to pay your Unisa application fee using the Capitec app
Sign in to your Capitec account using your four or five confidential digit pin. If you don't have the Capitec account, you can ask a family member to pay the Unisa application fee on your behalf.
2. Tap on the "Pay beneficiary" tab.
After tapping on the Pay Beneficiary tab, you will be taken to a page where you will see a list of beneficiaries you have recently paid. Tab on the "Add Beneficiary" tab.
3. Add Beneficiary
Thereafter you will see 3 options to pay the beneficiary. That is "Capitec Cellphone", "Capitec Registered" or "Bank account". Tab on the "Bank Account" tab.
4. Tap on "Bank account" tab
After tapping on the Bank account tab, you will required to type the following information; Beneficiary name, account number and bank (Unisa is banking with First National Bank) meaning that you will choose FNB.
Beneficiary Name: UNISA
Beneficiary Account number: 627 9963 0382
(Ensure you enter the correct details. Only Capitec account numbers are verified against the actual accountholder)
Beneficiary Bank: First National Bank
After selecting FNB there will be a pop up message stating that the account number is linked to the beneficiary " Unisa Study Fees" click on the tab "Unisa Study Fees"
5. Tap on "Unisa Study Fees" tab
After clicking on the "Unisa Study fees", you will be required to add your student number and Unisa reference number. Make sure that you leave a space between the student number and the reference number, for example: 20202020 5370810030. Thereafter click on the "Add" tab to add Unisa as your beneficiary.
Please note that you will be required to enter your pin to confirm that you are adding Unisa to your beneficiary list. You will get a pop up notification on the app that confirms that you have successfully added Unisa to your beneficiary list.
6. Tap on the "Pay Now" tab
After tapping "Pay Now" choose the amount you want to pay. The Unisa application fee is currently R140, so will enter the amount of R140.00. Once more you will be given an opportunity to verify and edit your student number and reference number. Ensure that you have written your student number and reference number correctly, this is important for allocating your application fee. Click on PAY, to pay your application fee.
7. Confirm the payment
Tap on the "Confirm" tab, you confirm that you are paying R140.00 to Unisa using the provided student number and reference number. If you have made a mistake when typing the amount, student number or reference number you can click on the "cancel" tab and start afresh.
After tapping on the "confirm" tab there is no going back. You will get a notification both on the app and via SMS that you have successfully paid your application fee.
The application fee will reflect the next day (weekdays) if you are using the Capitec app to pay the Unisa application fee. If you have paid on weekend the fee will reflect on weekdays. To know for sure that you have successfully paid the application fee, check your admission status on the Unisa website.
Here are some tips for paying Unisa application fee with the Capitec app:
Benefits of using the Capitec to pay Unisa application fee
Paying your UNISA application fee using the Capitec app is a convenient and secure way to complete your application. By following these simple steps, you can swiftly and efficiently settle the application fee. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties during the payment process, reach out to Capitec's customer support for assistance. Best of luck with your UNISA application.
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